My Songs.
Seasons Tracks - Samples to come after album release
1. Thanksgiving Mashup: My Tribute, Give Thanks, Count Your Blessings, & How Great Thou Art
2. Just Going to a Mansion in Beulah Land: Just a Closer Walk With Thee, Mansion Over the Hilltop, Dwelling in Beulah Land, When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
3. Wonderful, Merciful, Savior/Be Unto Your Name/Holy, Holy, Holy
4. Shepherd's Piece: Psalm 23 & His Sheep Am I
5. Prayer for America: This Little Light of Mine, America the Beautiful, People Need the Lord, My Country 'Tis of Thee (America)
6. Come Thou Found (with I Have Decided to Follow Jesus and Canon in D)
7. What Are You Looking For? More Than Silver, Seek Ye First, Climb Every Mountain
8. Elizabeth's Prayer (with Lord Be Glorified)
9. Three Rivers: Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Like a River Glorious, Shall We Gather at the River
10. My Friends Are Leaving: Can't Smile Without You, God Leads Us Along, God Will Take Care of You
11. Abide with Me (Eventide)
12. Cleanse Me
Songs with Stories Tracks
1. Draw Me Nearer & Leaning on the Everlasting Arm
2. In the Garden
3. Beautiful & In His Time
4. The Hiking Nymph
5. I Won't Have to Cross Jordan Alone
6. I Love You Lord & My Jesus I Love Thee
7. Redeemed & What a Day That Will Be
8. My Tribute
9. Blessed Assurance & Don't Get Around Much Anymore
10. The Healer
11. The Savior is Waiting & Desperado